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Mobile VoIP: operators must re-evaluate their core portfolio

21 марта 2011

VoIP services were hyped as the single largest threat to traditional telco revenue, but in the fixed-line market VoIP became synonymous with ‘cheap voice’ and has been promoted as such by ‘over-the-top’ (OTT) VoIP providers and traditional players alike.

Now attention is turning to the mobile market and the rhetoric is being replayed, this time in the context of loosening operators’ once-powerful grip on the mobile value chain. The impact of the OTT VoIP providers may not be as significant as their rhetoric suggests, but MNOs are right to take the threat seriously.

At Analysys Mason they are expected mobile devices to account for a growing proportion of OTT VoIP traffic. In 2010, mobile devices (regardless of network used, cellular or Wi-Fi) accounted for around 10% of OTT VoIP traffic in Western Europe. Analitycs expect this proportion to rise to 40% in 2015.

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