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Mobile App Downloads to Approach 48 Billion in 2015

07 июня 2011

The mobile applications market has had strong growth over the past several years, as a result of the addition of new products, players, and business models. This growth will continue, driven mainly by increased smartphone penetration, as well as growth in consumer mobile application libraries.

As a result, In-Stat expects mobile application downloads to reach nearly 48 billion in 2015.

"The prevalence of handset touchscreens is a significant development impacting the mobile applications market," according to Amy Cravens, Senior Analyst.

"The projected rapid penetration of touchscreen-enabled devices will allow more users to easily interact with mobile applications, thereby driving growth. Increased on-board memory capacity will also lead to a better user experience."

Key data includes:

  • Touchscreens will account for nearly 90% of smartphones shipped in 2011, and will increase to nearly 100% in the next several years.
  • Smartphones are expected to increase from 23% of total phone shipments in 2010 to 45% in 2015.
    In December 2010, the number of applications in the Apple App Store reached 350,000 while Android Market reached 80,000.
  • Survey results show that Apple and Android users are significantly more likely than BlackBerry users to have downloaded mobile applications.
  • Smartphone applications are not only about 3G. Almost half of survey respondents report downloading applications over Wi-Fi.

Источник: Cellular news

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