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Music and Video Services to Drive Mobile Cloud Revenues to $6.5bn by 2016

12 сентября 2011

High-profile launches from players such as Amazon, Google and Apple are expected to galvanize the growing market for consumer cloud mobility services, generating revenues reaching almost $6.5 billion per annum by 2016, a new report from Juniper Research has found.

According to the report, while initial consumer deployments in the cloud were focused primarily on the social networking space, music and video storage/acquisition services such as Amazon's Cloud Drive and the forthcoming Apple iCloud are expected to gain rapid traction with substantial adoption over both smartphones and tablets. Both services are geared to migrating end users' music collections onto the cloud as well as enabling the purchase and storage of additional tracks, while Amazon also offers a cloud-based delivery mechanism with its Cloud Player.

Further opportunities in social media, security solutions

  • However, mobile social media services are also expected to benefit as providers increasingly seek to develop revenue streams based around virtual goods: the report highlighted the success of Zynga's Farmville, and suggested that growth in this sector should receive a particularly strong boost as consumer tablet adoption accelerates.
  • While the report claimed that the increasingly competitive storage sector meant that the provision of consumer storage in isolation was unlikely to generate substantial returns in the longer term, it identified bundled storage and security solutions as a key growth area.
  • According to report author Dr Windsor Holden, "The handset is now the repository -- in many cases the sole repository -- for data such as photographs, videos, address books, games and music; when the device is lost or stolen, that data may be irreplaceable. Hence, the facility to offer remote back-up becomes increasingly attractive."



Источник: FierceWireless:Europe

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