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Tata puts a ring around the world

23 марта 2012

Tata Communications announced the official launch of its Europe-Asia cable system, which constitutes the final link in its round-the-world fibre-optic cable.

Speaking at a media and analyst event in Dubai, Tata Communications managing director and CEO Vinod Kumar heralded ″the completion of the TGN-EA [Tata Global Network – Eurasia] cable and the completion of the ring around the world.″

The TGN-EA system connects Europe to India via Egypt, and links in with Tata's other cable systems to create what the company claims is the world's first wholly-owned global submarine cable network.

″[The system provides] the maximum possible uptime and more uptime than [customers] can get with any other service provider,″ said Kumar.

″You can't have your networks down,″ he added, noting that since Tata wholly owns each of the cable systems that make up the global network, it can offer a more robust service. ″[We have] the ability to route traffic east or west, depending where a cut might occur,″ he said.

Tata Communications has, over time, invested a total of US$800 million in the various systems that make up the ring. ″That's not a small sum of money,″ Kumar pointed out.

The TGN is made up of cable systems connecting Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and North America.

Also on Wednesday Tata Communications announced the launch of its TGN-Gulf cable system that connects the Gulf region to Mumbai in India, and from there on to the rest of the world.

MTGN-Gulf was actually put into service on 21 February, said Radwan Moussalli, managing director and regional head, Middle East and North Africa at Tata Communications.

And the telco is already working on phase two of that project.

″[We are in] discussions to extend the cable into Iraq and Kuwait in phase two,″ Moussalli said.

TGN Gulf runs overland through the United Arab Emirates, rather than taking the sea route via the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow stretch of water between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. The strait has particularly shallow waters; ″most of the cable cuts were happening there,″ he explained.

Tata can offer the lowest latency from Mumbai to Marseilles, with a 92-millisecond round trip, added Moussalli. ″That's 7 or 8 milliseconds lower than other cables on the same route,″ he said. ″Those 7-8 milliseconds mean a lot to financial institutions and banking.″

Although Tata circles the world with its cable system, it does not connect to Latin America. However, the region is still a key area of focus for Tata, which says that although it is not planning to build out a wholly-owned system there, it is working on potential partnerships.

″The demand in Latin America is significant,″ said Kumar. ″We are exploring a couple of opportunities to participate in cable systems in Latin America,″ but not looking to take the lead in funding such a project.

Источник: Total Telecom

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