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Mobile subs reach 1 billion in the Americas, broadband on the up

10 сентября 2012

The number of mobile subscriptions in the Americas was in excess of 1 billion as of mid-2012, including 225 million mobile broadband connections, or around 22% of the total, according to new data published late Thursday.

65.6 million new HSPA and LTE connections were added across North, Central and South America in the 12 months to 30 June, industry body 4G Americas revealed, citing statistics from Informa Telecoms & Media.

Over the same period LTE net additions reached 13.4 million, in excess of the 11 million GSM net adds.

Naturally, North America dominates the LTE landscape in the region and indeed the world, its 15.4 million subscriptions – up from just 2 million a year ago – giving it a 56% share of the global market.

Latin America is still some way behind, although according to Erasmo Rojas, director of Latin America and the Caribbean at 4G Americas, "the potential market for LTE is enormous".

The majority of operators in Latin America plan to launch LTE by the end of 2013, Informa notes.

As it stands though, LTE has yet to make an impact. There are 7 commercial LTE networks in five countries in Latin America; subscriptions are expected to reach 230,000 by the end of the year.

"The key ingredient for LTE deployment in Latin America is the continued auction of internationally harmonized spectrum in different spectrum bands – high and low – to satisfy both the high demand of data in urban areas and the need for Internet connectivity in rural areas," said Rojas.

In the Americas region as a whole, the 3GPP mobile technologies – GSM, UMTS/HSPA and LTE – together added 20.7 million new connections in the second quarter of this year, the majority (17.7 million) of which were HSPA or LTE mobile broadband connections. 3GPP connections grew by 90 million over the course of a year, of which 79 million were mobile broadband.

3GPP technologies account for 78% of the market – 807 million subscriptions – with the remainder made up of technologies including analogue, CDMA, iDEN and TDMA.

"Non-3GPP subscriptions are on the decline in the Americas," said Kristin Paulin, senior analyst at Informa. "3GPP technologies subscriptions in the Americas grew 12.6% over the last year, while non-3GPP technologies subscriptions fell 2.4% during that time."

Источник: Total Telecom

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