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GSA: 80 commercial LTE systems now launched

13 июня 2012

The GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association) this week published an update to its Evolution to LTE report which confirms 327 operators in 99 countries have committed to commercial LTE network deployments or are engaged in trials, technology testing or studies. The report covers LTE FDD and LTE TDD system modes.

267 firm commercial LTE network deployments are in deployment, commercially launched, or planned in 86 countries. Another 60 operators in 13 additional countries are engaged in LTE technology trials, tests or studies.

80 LTE operators have launched commercial services. This figure includes 7 commercial LTE TDD systems which are launched in Brazil, India, Japan, Poland, Saudi Arabia and Sweden.

Alan Hadden, President of the GSA, said: “The number of commercial LTE networks has quadrupled in just over a year. Commercial LTE services are available in 38 countries. The pace of introduction of LTE is happening faster than most people predicted a year ago.”

LTE commercial network launches per year:

2009 = 2 networks launched

2010 = 15 networks launched (year-end cumulative total = 17)

2011 = 30 networks launched (year-end cumulative total = 47)

2012 to June 4th = 33 networks launched (total to date = 80)

GSA end 2012 forecast = raised to 144 networks in 59 countries

GSA previously confirmed LTE as the fastest developing mobile system technology ever.


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