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Smartphone growth slows in US

31 июля 2012

Smartphone unit shipments numbered 23.8 million in the U.S. in the second quarter of this year, down 5.4% on the year-ago figure, according to new statistics from Strategy Analytics.

The analyst firm described the figure as "one of the slowest growth rates ever experienced" by the U.S. smartphone sector. It attributed the slide to the country's volatile economy, a maturing smartphone market, and moves on the part of the main operators to save money by tightening up handset upgrade policies.

The firm estimates that operating system market leader Android lost five percentage points of market share during the quarter, compared with the same period in 2011. Android shipped on 13.4 million smartphones, giving it a 56% share of the market, down from 15.3 million units and a 61% share a year earlier.

"Android remains the number one platform by volume in the United States, but its market share is approaching a peak and Apple iOS has been gaining ground," said Neil Mawston, executive director at Strategy Analytics, in a statement.

Apple increased its market share to 33.2% by shipping 7.9 million iPhones in Q2, up from 5.9 million and 23.2%.

"Apple is rumoured to be launching a new iPhone in the coming weeks, and that event, if it takes place, is going to heap even more pressure on Android in its home market," warned Mawston.

Meanwhile, RIM's woes look set to continue. BlackBerry's U.S. market share slid from 11% to 7% over the 12 months to the end of June, "its lowest level in recent history," Scott Bicheno, senior analyst at Strategy Analytics, noted.

Just 1.6 million BlackBerrys shipped in the U.S. in the three months, down from 2.7 million a year ago.

"Consumers, businesses and operators continue to be frustrated by Blackberry's limited touchscreen smartphone portfolio and repeated delays to its new BB10 operating system," Bicheno said.


Источник: Total Telecom

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