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EU regulators approve UK m-commerce joint venture

06 сентября 2012

European Union regulators Wednesday gave their unconditional approval to Vodafone Group PLC, Telefonica SA  and Everything Everywhere's plans to create a mobile commerce platform in the U.K.

The European Commission, which acts as the EU's antitrust watchdog, said it saw no saw competition threat arising from the joint venture, which will provide various mobile commerce services to businesses, including mobile payment transaction services and mobile marketing services.

"Mobile commerce is a nascent sector that may radically change the consumer buying experience in the next few years. The proposed joint venture is one of several initiatives to develop the sector in Europe," European Competition Commissioner Joaquin Almunia said in a statement.

Everything Everywhere is a joint venture between France Telecom and Deutsche Telekom AG.

The commission launched an in-depth probe in April into the collaboration to popularize ways of making payments using mobile phones, an area where the U.K. lags behind such countries as Japan. Regulators had been concerned that the three operators could block future competitors from offering their own mobile-wallet services to customers in the U.K., or to degrade the quality of these competing mobile wallets so that they become less attractive.

The new joint venture would provide various mobile commerce services to businesses, including mobile payment transaction services, mobile marketing services, and associated data analytics services. It would also provide various mobile commerce services to businesses, including mobile payment transaction services, mobile marketing services and associated data analytics services.


Источник: Total Telecom

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