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Mobile phones to dominate nav market

17 января 2008

Mobile phone-based navigation is poised to dominate the GPS market, according to a new study issued by analysis firm Telematics Research Group.

Mobile phones to dominate nav marketTRG reports that while portable navigation device makers like Garmin and TomTom remain worldwide market leaders, selling 30 million dedicated PNDs in 2007, handset makers like Nokia, Motorola, LG and Samsung are quickly gaining ground, moving about 20 million navigation-enabled phones last year. TRG forecasts that annual navigation-enabled phone sales will outstrip dedicated PND sales sometime in the next year, with the combined market reaching sales in excess of 220 million units by the end of 2012 and passing the 500 million-unit threshold by the end of 2015. "Dedicated PNDs are mobile devices optimized for navigation while mobile phones with navigation are optimized for communications, which gives them an advantage in the emerging new world order for navigation," said TRG principal analyst Dr. Egil JULIUSSEN in a prepared statement.

Источник: FierceWireless

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