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T-Systems wins €400m Catalan deal

21 сентября 2012

Deutsche Telekom on Thursday heralded one of its biggest ever contract wins outside Germany, as its IT services arm T-Systems secured €400 million worth of new orders from the Catalan government.

The self-governing region located in northeast Spain has been working with Deutsche Telekom for 10 years. The four contracts awarded to T-Systems on Thursday are part of its plan to whittle down the number of service providers from the 200 it currently uses to fewer than 20.

"The deal with Catalonia is one of the biggest deals we have won outside Germany so far," said T-Systems CEO Reinhard Clemens, in a statement.

He said Europe's precarious economic situation is driving demand for large-scale projects that will ultimately help administrations cut costs.

"When longer-term contracts come up for renewal, more and more large enterprises are looking to move partly over to cloud computing," said Clemens.

T-Systems' contract with the Generalitat de Catalonia will see it provide workstations, software, and user support. It will also provide networking, telco services, and data centre infrastructure.

According to Deutsche Telekom, T-Systems saw revenue outside Germany increase by almost 6% in the first half of 2012, helped by deals with BP and Switzerland-based piping company Georg Fischer.

Источник: Total Telecom

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