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Google launches credit card in UK

08 октября 2012

Businesses in the United Kingdom have become the first in the world to have the chance of obtaining a Google credit card.

The Google AdWords Business Credit card” to give the plastic its formal name, is a tool the Chocolate Factory hopes small business will use to rack up big bills for online ads they don't have the cash to stump up for at the time of purchase, Brent Callinicos, Google's treasurer, told the FT its smaller customers “weren’t buying Adwords as much as they need to” and that he hopes the credit card will help cash-strapped customers keep their online ad presences at an appropriate level by using the card.

Google says the card's interest rate of 11.9% is “low”and that the offer represents “generous” terms

The card can only be used to purchase AdWords, although documentation for the card containss what appears to be some vestigal terms from other credit cards inasmuch as cash advances are mentioned. Another oddity is a 2.99% “non-sterling transaction fee” that will mean users need to take care when making multi-nation ad purchases.

Not everyone will be able to apply for the card, which Google says can only be applied for with an application ID issued with an invitation.

The UK is the first nation to be granted the bounty of Google's credit card. The USA and other nations are set to follow suit, but Google is yet to say when.

Источник: The Register

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