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WiMAX Forum touts ecosystem

14 февраля 2008

WiMAX isn't making as big a splash at this year's Mobile World Congress as it did in 2007. But that's not stopping the WiMAX Forum from touting its growing ecosystem of vendors.

The group announced that there are 260 commercial WiMAX deployments in 110 countries.  In addition, there have been 28 mobile WiMAX products in the 2.3 GHz and 2.5 GHz frequency bands submitted for certification.

During its press conference at the Mobile World Congress, WiMAX Forum also announced that it is adding the 700 MHz frequency to its technology roadmap. The specs will be unveiled soon and will support both TDD and FDD certification profiles.

When asked whether WiMAX could be a part of LTE instead of separate technology (a theory set forth by Vodafone CEO Arun Sarin at this morning's keynote) one WiMAX Forum member scoffed at the idea and said that LTE stands for "late to evolve."

Источник: FierceWireless

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