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Nortel demonstrates industry's first WiMAX VoIP call controlled by 2G/3G voice network

26 февраля 2008

Wireless Internet service providers seeking to offer advanced voice and data capabilities without replacing existing network gear take note. Nortel has demonstrated the ability to provide VoIP calling using a 2G/3G GSM/UMTS core network to host 4G WiMAX access.

This is good news for GSM and UMTS wireless operators looking to evolve to 4G, as they can look to Nortel's innovative technology to cost-effectively support it all: current 2G and 3G voice and text services as well as future 4G communication services like advanced mobile broadband.

"Just as the wireless phone revolutionized voice telephony by freeing the user from wires and stationary constraints, mobile broadband is doing the same for high speed data communications," said Graham Richardson, general manager, GSM Networks, Nortel. "This industry-first demonstration proves that Nortel is committed to designing solutions that protect wireless operator investments, allowing them to support today's subscriber demand for voice and text services as well as future 4G services like end-to-end IP and high-quality streaming video."

Nortel has all the elements needed to bring carriers successfully into the 4G world: innovation in WiMAX and LTE, a strong ecosystem, all IP-core, and a deep understanding of what consumer and business users are looking for from their wireless experience.

In a futuristic scenario, Nortel is showing a user with a 4G mobile broadband device placing and receiving calls and controlling device access using Nortel's 4G-enabled 2G and 3G Mobile Switching Centre (MSC) Server and Media Gateway.

These are components of Nortel's globally available All-IP GSM and UMTS Voice Core product line. Nortel's All-IP MSC Server, operating on commercial off-the-shelf ATCA technology to support today's GSM/UMTS voice communications, blends today's 2G/3G call control with next generation SIP signaling for voice services at the end-user terminal.

Источник: FierceWireless

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