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ILS + Khrunichev Become Even Better Friends

09 июня 2008

ILS (International Launch Services) Inc. just announced Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center has acquired the shares of ILS owned by majority shareholder, Space Transport Inc. The financial details were not disclosed.

Vladimir Nesterov, General Director of Khrunichev, said: “Building on our strong working relationship with the ILS team, this transaction will cement ILS’s leadership role in the commercial launch services industry.”

Frank McKenna, ILS President, said: “We have an outstanding relationship with Khrunichev delivering commercial Proton launch services for our customers over the past 15 years. For ILS employees and customers, there will be no change in operations or management and we will continue our focus on performance. The completion of this transaction only strengthens the relationship with our launch partner, Khrunichev.”

ILS holds the exclusive worldwide rights to market and sell commercial launch services on the Proton launch vehicle, built by Khrunichev, as well as the
Angara vehicle under development. ILS provides satellite customers with a complete array of services and support, from contract signing through on-orbit delivery. ILS will remain a U.S. company, incorporated in Delaware with headquarters in Virginia, and subject to U.S. regulations. Khrunichev is the Moscow-based research and design center of the Proton launch system and one of the world’s largest aerospace companies. Currently, ILS has a backlog of 22 orders totaling nearly $2 billion. There have been 45 ILS commercial Proton missions flown since 1996 and this is the only launch provider with two commercial launch pads.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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