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Microsoft to build European search hubs

02 октября 2008

Microsoft has announced that it will build three European hubs in London, Paris and Munich as part of a new search technology centre, part of the software company’s attempt to make inroads into Google’s European business.

The move comes as the company starts to build a post-Yahoo strategy for search, after the $44bn bid for the search engine failed in July.

Microsoft has not revealed how many jobs the new centres will generate, but confirmed that the facilities would compliment existing European research and development operations. The company already has an existing search technology centre in Beijing, which opened in October 2005.

Microsoft currently invests more than $600 million in research and development in Europe, which is set to rise with the new centre.

The move comes as regional search engines such as Yandex in Russia and Seznam in Czech Republic have emerged as local leaders in search with a greater market share than Google, which has been partly attributed to a greater understanding of local languages. Microsoft stated that it hopes the technology centres will help provide a ”highly relevant, localized and interactive search experience.”

Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s chief executive, told the Financial Times: ”We want to play, and play well - just as people say in markets where we’re strong we deserve competition, Google deserves competition.”

Источник: Financial Times

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