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Video conferencing comes to mobiles

14 октября 2008

Global IP Solutions is bringing video conferencing to smartphones with the release of its VideoEngine Mobile client for Windows Mobile handsets.

The software enables peer-to-peer video calling and multi-point video conferencing, and is aimed chiefly at carriers and handset vendors looking to offer such services to customers.

VideoEngine Mobile can provide high call quality even under adverse network conditions, according to the firm.

Global IP Solutions has partnered with Marvell Technology, maker of the XScale smartphone chips, to ensure that its media processing software is optimised for handsets using this platform, which includes some of HP's iPaq range.

"Today's mobile phone users demand the best in quality and rich functionality, which is why there is an enormous opportunity for application developers and wireless carriers to offer real-time video calls to the masses," said Global IP Solutions chief executive Emerick Woods.

The company said that future releases of VideoEngine Mobile will add support for other mobile platforms such as Symbian OS and Apple's iPhone, as well as additional chipsets that run Windows Mobile.

Источник: vnunet.com

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