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Thuraya's Got the Whole World In Its Hand

29 октября 2008

Thuraya, provider of handheld mobile satellite services offered demonstrations of a series of new products and services at GITEX 2008, furthering their business diversification and expansion.

Having launched its third satellite, Thuraya-3, early this year as well as beginning commercial service in markets such as Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong, the company now covers the Asia Pacific market. Thuraya-3 has now expanded Thuraya’s coverage area to over four billion people and two-thirds of the globe.

Besides their handheld mobile satellite services, Thuraya has recently launched ThurayaIP and ThurayaMarine. With the coverage extension to Asia Pacific Thuraya has over eighty percent of the global shipping routes and major merchant ports under its coverage.

Specifically designed for the broadband market, ThurayaIP is the smallest and most competitive solution in its category that functions at a speed of 444 Kbps. With the most advanced video-streaming capabilities up to 386Kbps, the product is highly flexible and has attracted several application developers to augment ThurayaIP for a variety of specific sectors.

Through a partnership with Quicklink, Thuraya has designed video transport solutions for the Media to facilitate the transmission and delivery of real-time broadcast video for ThurayaIP users. Furthermore, Thuraya has partnered with European Antennas for the development of highly specialized, small sized and flat panel external antennas for ThurayaIP, which ensure that the correct signal levels are maintained to provide maximum streaming.

Most importantly, Thuraya introduced netted communications, a future service that will be provided by Thuraya, that is also based on ThurayaIP. Developed by Speakerbus, netted communications permits several users to access voice capabilities through Thuraya’s network while using ThurayaIP.

Additionally, ThurayaMarine is a maritime solution that caters to a variety of sea-farers. With a very stable, omni-directional antenna, ThurayaMarine provides advanced and cost-effective communications in the MSS arena.

The company recently partnered with Geonix and launched a new location-based service called ThurayaLocate which allows anyone with any Thuraya handset to view their position on maps, satellite images and aerial photography anywhere in the world. ThurayaLocate is designed for users in rugged locations who wish to share their exact location.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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