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Wireless Research

16 декабря 2008

North American wireless capital expenditure spending is forecasted to decline 10.6% in 2008 and another 19.3% in 2009, according to the latest report from EJL Wireless Research titled "North American Wireless Cap Ex Analysis 2008-2011."

"The spending levels for wireless capital expenditures have been flat for the first three quarters of 2008 on a year over year basis, but will decline in Q4. We expect a market recovery by 2011," says founder and President, Earl Lum.

"Given the economic uncertainty, wireless capital expenditure spending by most of the major wireless operators in the United States will decline in 2009 when compared with 2008. On a combined basis, AT&T and Verizon Wireless represent about 75% of the overall total wireless spending for the United States. However, we expect that the Canadian wireless capital expenditure numbers will increase in 2009," says Lum. The report includes detailed analysis for the following mobile operators in North America: Alltel, AT&T, Bell Mobility, Centennial Communications, Rogers Communications, Sprint Nextel, Telus Mobility, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless.

Источник: FierceWireless

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