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Major ECM vendors send content sharing standard to OASIS

29 декабря 2008

EMC, Microsoft and IBM have agreed on a standard for sharing content among different data repositories and will send it to OASIS to begin the approval process. Also on board are Alfresco, Open Text, Oracle and SAP. What we have here folks is potentially a giant leap forward for the content management industry, one that has been a long time coming.

 In fact, the players involved have been working on this standard, known as Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) since 2006.

As Razmik Abnous, VP and CTO at EMC CMA Division points out, many companies have multiple (sometimes even hundreds) repositories as a result of purchases made by individual departments or different locations, and further complicated by mergers and acquisitions. Trying to get these different systems to communicate with one another, up until now, has been a nightmare for IT staffs, which have been forced to create one-off connectors, middleware solutions or other expensive and time-consuming work-arounds.

Источник: FierceContentManagement

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