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Nokia Siemens Networks launches Managed Service Operations and Assurance

18 февраля 2009

At the Mobile World Congress, Nokia Siemens Networks launched “Managed Service Operations and Assurance” aimed at helping communication service providers (CSPs) address three key challenges: the efficient management of end user service operations, assurance of service quality, and profitability of end user services.



Managed Service Operations and Assurance will enable CSPs to monitor, report and analyze service performance and user experience, provide structured problem solving and troubleshooting, and also offer a proactive performance optimization service. Commenting on the launch, Ashish Chowdhary, Head of Managed Services, Nokia Siemens Networks said, “The increasing complexity in customer needs, exponential growth in mobile data traffic and rapidly evolving technology are creating new challenges for the communications service providers. As the subscriber market becomes more fragmented and the demand for high quality services increases, assured service quality is becoming one of the key factors in a user’s decision to stay with a CSP. Nokia Siemens Networks Managed Service Operations and Assurance can help communication service providers improve end-user experience and reduce churn by taking over the critical tasks of ensuring efficiency in service operations and service quality, while the CSPs focus on identifying business strategies that drive their growth.”


Nokia Siemens Networks’ Managed Service Operations and Assurance solution offers customized service monitoring and reporting with contractual SLAs to suit the CSP’s environment, giving them real-time visibility and control over service quality and end-user experience. The solution has a structured fault management process to detect any service quality degradation, undertake root cause analysis and solve problems. It offers proactive improvement activities based on trends and forecasts of network and service performance to ensure that service delivery is aligned with changing network requirements like increased usage, configuration changes in the network or demands of special events.


As more and more services are introduced and managed through their respective life cycles, Nokia Siemens Networks can bring the desired scalability, flexibility and efficiency to complex services management processes through a combination of local expertise and global service delivery capability. Nokia Siemens Networks can offer a range of “managed” services from its Global Network Solutions Centers that can be delivered remotely to CSPs to make their business and network more efficient.


The solution helps Nokia Siemens Networks move up the value chain from network operations to service quality management, strengthening its position as an end-to-end Managed Services provider within service and network operations and assurance space.


Nokia Siemens Networks has a long standing experience in multi technology, multi vendor network operations with more than 200 Managed Service contracts in service operations and more than 100 service optimization and assurance projects around the world. Nokia Siemens Network is using its strong local expertise as well remote service delivery capability through its Global Network Solution Centers to deliver customized and efficient solutions to meet CSP’s specific need.

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