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Wireless spending topped $1 trillion in 2009

16 февраля 2010

Global spending on wireless equipment and services topped $1 trillion in 2009 for the first time, according to iSuppli.

Wireless services and equipment brought in $900 billion in addition to the $110 billion that consumers paid for wireless devices and accessories last year.

The research firm also predicted global cell-phone shipments would grow to 1.61 billion units in 2014, up 41% from 2009. They fell a less-than-feared 6.7% last year and are expected to rebound 12% this year, with smart phones rising by the same amount and making up roughly 20% of cell-phone shipments.

Handset makers Nokia Corp. and Samsung Electronics Co. both gained market share last year, said iSuppli. Nokia rose to 38.9% from 37.4%, while Samsung grew to 21.1% from 20.7%.

Last year, three smartphone makers--Nokia, Apple Inc. and Research in Motion Ltd.--had double-digit shares of the smart phone market, compared with just Nokia two years earlier.

About 30% of all smart phone models introduced this year are expected to use Google Inc.'s Android operating system, more than triple the percentage in 2009.


Источник: Total Telecom

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