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Android keeps capturing US mobile market share

07 апреля 2010

Google Inc.'s  Android operating system continued to capture U.S. smartphone platform market share in February, as handset makers introduced new Android-compatible devices, a research group said Monday.

According to the latest mobile subscriber survey data from comScore Inc., Google's Android operating system accounts for about 9.0% of the U.S. smartphone market, up from 3.8% in November 2009. Research In Motion Ltd. remains atop the smartphone market with a 42.1% share, up from 40.8% in November.

Apple Inc. slipped one-tenth of a percentage point to 25.4%, while Microsoft Corp. fell 4 percentage points to 15.1% and Palm Inc. was down to 5.4% from 7.2%, according to comScore.

Dozens of handset makers and carriers have adopted Android's mobile operating system, but the most recent market share gains likely reflect the successful launch late last year of Motorola Inc.'s Droid smartphone, the most prominent Android handset to date.

Published reports suggest Microsoft could unveil a series of new mobile phones loaded with the company's software, part of its bid to catch up with Android handsets and Apple's popular iPhone.

ComScore said more than 45.4 million people in the U.S. owned smartphones in an average month during the December to February period, up 21% from the three months ending November 2009.

The research group's data indicates that most of the 234 million Americans who were mobile subscribers during that period were still using regular-feature phones.

Источник: Total Telecom

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