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4G World Roundtable

14 мая 2010

In preparation for 4G World 2010 Conference and Expo in October, we brought together the core Yankee Group team responsible for the content of the show - Eliot Weinman, conference chair; Kate Walsh, marketing director; Andy Mitchell, content director and Chris Nicoll, distinguished research fellow - a skilled team to talk about the state of 4G and what to expect from this years event.

What’s the current state of 4G?

Chris Nicoll: 4G is in a dichotomous situation in terms of definition. From an advertising standpoint, it’s simply “next-generation”-whatever that is. There’s a gap between that mainstream term and the technical definition. In fact, we’re at least two years away from true 4G service.

Eliot Weinman: What we’re seeing now is a market in its infancy. That’s what 4G World 2010 is all about-supporting that infant stage. This year’s show will be a platform for all the major operators to discuss their 2010/2011 4G roll-out strategies.

If 4G is in its infancy, why are we talking about it now?

Andy Mitchell: The explosion of mobile content, video, smart devices, etc., is challenging the capabilities of 3G networks and inciting user demand and expectation for 4G. This convergence of infrastructure, applications and devices will be a key theme in 2010 and at 4G World, in terms of the technology evolution, demand and opportunity.

Chris Nicoll: As 4G service rolls out, providing users with greater value from the network, operators will have to do something beyond just offering tiered data plans to generate revenue. They are going to have to partner with content or app providers to get a cut of that pie-the time is now to begin exploring those strategies.

What can attendees look forward to at 4G World 2010?

Kate Walsh: 4G World is truly an event by the industry, for the industry. This year, we’ve partnered with many associations and media firms to make sure that attendees receive the most complete and unbiased view of the 4G ecosystem and all its players. We’re going to get a lot of attention-this is ramping up to be the best event we’ve ever had.

Andy Mitchell: We’ve received an overwhelming response to the call for papers-the interest in participating and partnering has been massive. The overall objectivity and insightful content is something to definitely look forward to.

Eliot Weinman: Especially since this 4G World is taking place a couple of years before the market has reached maturity, we’re going to see a lot of innovative ideas and strategies.

Chris Nicoll: At 4G World, it’s ALL about 4G. You’re not going to be able to turn around without running into some aspect of 4G, whether it’s the future of the mobile Web, content, advertising, backhaul, femtocells, vertical markets, etc. A true 4G ecosystem event-there’s nothing else like it.

4G World takes place Oct. 18-21, 2010, at McCormick Place in Chicago, Ill.

Источник: 4G Trends

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