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US Regulator to Release 90Mhz Of Spectrum for Mobile Broadband Services

21 июня 2010

­The USA's Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has announced a plan to release 90 MHz of additional spectrum for mobile broadband by tapping underused mobile satellite service (MSS) bands.

The National Broadband Plan, delivered to Congress in March, outlined a comprehensive strategy for making 500 MHz of spectrum available for wireless broadband services by 2020, a strategy that Chairman Julius Genachowski charged the newly created Spectrum Task Force with overseeing. "The Spectrum Task Force has already begun executing the Commission's spectrum agenda, consistent with the spectrum plan outlined in the National Broadband Plan," said Ruth Milkman, Co-Chair of the Task Force. "Job number one is to make more spectrum available for flexible use, including terrestrial mobile broadband."

The FCC has taken important steps to put the spectrum strategy into action. Shortly after the broadband plan's release, the FCC approved the Harbinger-SkyTerra transaction, which will enable Harbinger to invest billions of dollars in building a 4G wireless network using spectrum that includes the MSS bands. In May, the Commission adopted the WCS-SDARS Order, making 25 MHz of spectrum available for mobile broadband services.

The Spectrum Task Force expects that by removing policies that are currently barriers to flexible use of terrestrial mobile wireless service, there is an opportunity to enable the deployment of mobile broadband, while retaining market-wide MSS capability, especially for public safety, rural services, and the federal government.

"This initiative is an opportunity to make additional spectrum available for mobile broadband by promoting greater spectrum efficiency and flexibility," said Julie Knapp, Co-Chair of the Task Force. "The Spectrum Task Force remains firmly committed to maintaining robust mobile satellite capability that serves important needs like disaster recovery and rural access. I am confident that we can achieve all of these goals and create a win-win solution."

Источник: Cellular news

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