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ISuppli sees surge in near-field technology on mobile phones

22 декабря 2010

Market researcher iSuppli expects "explosive" growth in near-field communications technology--the kind used to send data wirelessly in a range of only a few inches--to begin next year, an encouraging sign for the mobile-payments business.

It expects world-wide shipments of cellphones with built-in capability for near-field communications will rise to 220.1 million units in 2014, a fourfold increase from 52.6 million this year. In 2014, 13% of cellphones shipped will integrate the technology, up from 4.1% in 2010.

The expected surge, which the researcher attributes to support from key wireless players like Nokia Corp. and Google Inc., could open the door to a boom in the mobile-payments business, iSuppli said.

"Imagine paying your bus fare, buying a plane ticket or making an ATM/credit card purchase simply by holding your cellphone near a wireless terminal," said Jagdish Rebello, principal analyst for communications and consumer electronics with iSuppli.

Источник: Total Telecom

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