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Google sees 15bn connected devices in next five to eight years

17 марта 2011

About 15 billion devices will be connected to the Internet in five to eight years, driven by the eventual connectivity of television to the Web, Google Inc.'s chief business officer.

"If you start thinking of the number of Wifi devices that exist in the world, I think we're going to be hitting about 15 billion devices in the next five to eight years, which will be connected to the Web, or the Internet," Nikesh Arora said at the Abu Dhabi Media Summit.

"If you believe that's going to happen, you wouldn't know what to do with an unconnected device," Arora said."The next device where we will see this happen is television."

Arora also said there would be a transition from pre-programmed content to consumer-designed content.

"Definitely consumers of our generation or next generation are not going to accept a pre-programmed notion of being told what they should see at what point in time," Arora said."In that context, we are seeing the early signs of a notion of where I will design what I want to watch by myself."

Источник: Total Telecom

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