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HNS Gains Control of Spaceway 3

21 декабря 2007

Hughes Network Systems said Boeing handed over control of the Spaceway 3 spacecraft.

The company said it will utilize the Boeing-built Ka-Band satellite to provide HughesNet broadband satellite services throughout North America. The bird will handle two-way broadband communications services for enterprise, consumer, small to medium-sized businesses, and government customers. HNS Gains Control of Spaceway 3

"We are excited to accept the handover of Spaceway 3 and to begin our pre- commercial service testing," said Pradman KAUL, chairman and CEO of Hughes. "Since the launch of the Boeing 702-model satellite on Aug. 14 everything has proceeded on schedule, and we are grateful to Boeing for completing the in-orbit placement successfully."

Источник: SkyREPORT

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