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North American Satellite Market Leads in New Applications

14 февраля 2008

North America is the first region to promote the effectiveness of hybrid satellite/terrestrial networks for ubiquitous communications with the new concept of Ancillary Terrestrial Components.

North America has, almost always, been the first region where new satellite applications are introduced. This is especially evident since the early 2000s with the launch of digital audio broadcasting, high definition television, consumer broadband access, and asset tracking by satellite services that all translate into new benefits for households, individuals, businesses, and governments.

Digital entertainment is leading satellite business. Digital entertainment is the field in which innovative satellite services have appreciated the largest value creation to date. For fixed TV services, the
US is the country with the two largest satellite TV platforms (DirecTV and Echostar), with a combined subscriber base of more than 30 million. The combined revenues of almost $25 billion in 2007 of these two, vertically-integrated satellite broadcasters have made North America the largest satellite payTV market in the world.

The most recent innovation in the satellite communications sector has been the launch of consumer broadband access services by satellite in Ka-band in
Canada and the US. Currently, 400,000 subscribers have been signed in both countries.

New applications and business models in mobile communications may also see their beginnings in the North American market. While the development of asset tracking by satellite is already taking off rapidly in the region (with services provided either by dedicated systems delivered by Orbcomm, Iridium or Globalstar), the introduction of new generation systems appears more challenging. The Ancillary Terrestrial Components (ATC) systems planned for the
US market, despite the attractiveness of allocated spectrum, may require several billion dollars per system, due to the cost of building the ground network.

The emerging, commercially operated, Earth observation satellite sector is dominated by two
US companies, DigitalGlobe and GeoEye (the only other historical player being Imagesat of Israel).

Источник: SatMagazine

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