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EMC packages protection with high security teleport

26 февраля 2008

Emerging Markets Communications (EMC) is launching two new Datacenter products, EMC Collocation Services and EMC Housing Services, for worldwide corporations.

The new services are scheduled to be launched in March 1, 2008 and will be provided at EMC’s wholly-owned teleport facility located in Raisting, Germany. They will consist of several 32m satellite antennas, Tier 1 terrestrial connectivity, SDH Backbone, IP connectivity, telehouse and datacenter facilities; operating in C, Ku, Ka, X and L satellite bands. EMC Collocation Services were developed and designed to protect businesses’ most sensitive information in a highly secure facility. EMC Collocation Services provides the maximum level of security and operating infrastructure for outsourcing data center needs. All collocated equipment has access to tier 1 terrestrial connectivity, offices, conference rooms and NOC services. EMC Collocation Services also includes: power supply, physical security and access to network WAN services. In addition to the Collocation Service, EMC offers Housing Services that include all the features of the Collocation Services plus equipment support such as: remote hands support, monitoring and back up services.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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