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Polish operators open core to combat OTT threat

12 июля 2012

Polish carriers Orange, T-Mobile and Polkomtel have banded together with local developers and academic institutions to create an ecosystem designed to address the growing competition posed by Over The Top (OTT) providers.

The operators have deployed an open service layer within their core networks to accelerate deployment of innovative and low cost communication services with a healthy balance between cooperation and competition.

“Our true competition comes not from the other operators within Poland, but from the OTT players. If subscribers on two separate networks want to chat or share video on their phones but their operators don’t offer the service they’ll use gTalk, Viber, Facebook or similar. To combat this we must cooperate: on open technologies, platforms and communities,” said Grzegorz Sikora, Intelligent Network Expert, T-Mobile.

Telecoms software firm OpenCloud delivered the open standards-based service layer to the carriers and claims the model has given those involved a sharper competitive edge to attract developers.

According to Jeff Gordon, CEO of OpenCloud, device-side apps such as those found in the popular application stores, generate little incremental revenue for mobile operators. Yet, the success of these apps demonstrates the power of innovation from the independent developer community and mobile operators are able to benefit from the same model but in a different way.

“To counter the threat from OTT players, and boost their revenues, operators need innovation within the network and not just in device apps. However, delivering innovation in the core network has, historically, been an expensive and slow process,” Gordon said.

In a poll currently being run by telecoms.com OTT is posing the biggest industry headache for the operator community.

Источник: telecoms.com

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