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Satellite Industry & Market : results & forecasts

10 января 2008

Read in SatMagazine 1,2008: What’s Ahead In 2008 For The FSS and MSS Industries? /by Rachel Villain, Director, Space & Communications Euroconsult/

In 2007 the fixed service satellite (FSS) and mobile service satellite (MSS) industries had combined wholesale revenue estimated at US$9.B, up 4.3 percent from 2006. While this is good news, in 2008, both industries will have to deliver growth in revenues and cash flows to finance new investments and/or to pay dividends to shareholders.

The FSS industry is larger and more diversified than the MSS industry, which counts only six companies trading satellite bandwidth for combined revenues of $1.15 billion in 2007 (compared to 38 FSS companies with revenues totalling $8.5 billion in the FSS industry).

Both industries have always been highly concentrated with the top four FSS operators (Intelsat, SES, Eutelsat and Telesat) generating 70 percent of revenues, while Inmarsat remains the MSS market leader with a market share of approximately 50 percent.

Источник: SatMagazine

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