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Alvarion, Cisco and Nokia Selected to Collaborate with Monaco Telecom on Mobile WiMAX

31 января 2008

Monaco Telecom, a Cable & Wireless affiliate, is working with Alvarion Ltd., Cisco and Nokia to establish a Center of Excellence on Mobile WiMAX in the Principality.

This initiative between all four companies will demonstrate the mobility and high-speed features of Mobile WiMAX 802.16e-2005. This new technology will allow customers to enjoy a seamless service and move freely while using VoIP, streaming video and other Internet applications. This capability allows the network to move with the customer - enabling true mobility and improving the experience of the user.

In addition to showcasing personal broadband services, Alvarion’s 802.16e-2005-based 4Motion solution will be demonstrated and is expected to reach a commercial level during 2008. The Cisco Broadband Wireless Gateway solution is a key component and part of Cisco WiMAX portfolio providing an open WiMAX Access Service Network (ASN) gateway functionality. This latest expansion of Cisco’s Service Exchange Framework enables Monaco Telecom to support another access technology. Nokia will contribute with its expertise in mobility and an Internet Tablet compatible with WiMAX 2.5 GHz.

Источник: http://www.mobilebroadbandnews.com

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