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Innovation and Customization to Drive Mobile Messaging Growth to $212 Billion by 2013

26 марта 2008

Increasing SMS adoption in the Americas, mobile email growth in developed regions, accelerating subscriber numbers in Asia-Pacific and worldwide interest in social networking are all contributing to a booming mobile messaging market according to ABI Research, which forecasts messaging revenues will grow to $212 billion by 2013.

A new ABI study says that despite the presence of different, region-specific drivers, messaging is driven across the board by its ability to provide timely, cost-effective, customer-specific communication and information services, further buoyed by future upgrades including new input and access capabilities as well as integration across mobile and fixed-line platforms.

But the benefits driving messaging growth go beyond its obvious economic, social and convenience advantages relative to voice calling. The next stage of messaging growth will be strongly influenced by new input and access capabilities, and integration across mobile and fixed-line platforms. Innovation in messaging input, including touch screens, voice-to-text, and advanced keyboard designs, makes initiating a mobile message very easy. By combining input options with greater ease of communicating across mobile and fixed platforms regardless of messaging service, messaging providers serve customers’ needs very well in both the consumer and business domains.

And is there a third stage of growth for mobile messaging? Some very creative companies are finding unique ways to incorporate advertising in mobile messaging. If done right, advertising will completely change the mobile messaging market.

Источник: FierceWireless

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