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Newtec's MENOS Is MENA Meaningful

18 апреля 2008

Newtec has completed the installation of its multimedia networking concept, MENOS, which allows video and audio material to be shared amongst sites across a large geographical area, at the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) facility in Algiers.

MENOS, (Multimedia Exchange Network over Satellite) is a revolutionary networking concept that supports all potential transmission applications required by broadcasters in a fully automated way. These include DSNG uplinks to studios, primary distributions from studios to headends, international contribution exchange between studios and support for business television networks. It also offers IP-based services such as VoIP and corporate VPN’s as well as an integrated billing and content archiving capability. Newtec has now completed the installation of the MENOS hub, and transmission tests over Arabsat 4B were concluded at the end of March 2008. The MENOS service will be operated on Arabsat's BADR-4 satellite in KU-band and extended in a next phase to Arabsat-2B in C-band. The Arabsat satellite coverage includes the Arab world, Europe and North Africa. The first MENOS TV and radio SITs (Satellite Interactive Terminals) have now been shipped to the ASBU members and the full MENOS service is expected to go live to the ASBU and its members in June 2008.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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