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Network of One: a blueprint for success in the age of the zettabyte

01 октября 2009

Nokia Siemens Networks visionary approach transforms the telecommunications business to manage billions of connected people and trillions of connected things.

At its Solutions Forum in Munich, Germany, Nokia Siemens Networks introduced the Network of One*, a unified, long term view of how telecom operators can transform their business models, infrastructure and operations. This new approach is needed now to cope with the tidal wave of information being created and shared as billions of people and trillions of ‘things’ link up from every corner of the planet. “The market evolution presents many opportunities for operators, but they are also under pressure like never before. The challenges they face are becoming increasingly complex and up to now the general approach has been to deal with them separately“, says Stephan Scholz, chief technology officer, Nokia Siemens Networks, speaking at the Solutions Forum. “For the first time we have outlined a holistic approach that operators can adopt to effectively use their scarce resources and provide the ideal experience for their subscribers. Very simply, that describes our Network of One.” The Network of One outlines how operators can reduce complexity, tune their processes to be more focused on customers, and how to deliver a personalized experience. It will also enable operators to derive greater value from their existing assets, improve their collaboration with other industry players, and realize operational efficiencies. The components of the Network of One include the evolution towards an infrastructure based on a simplified IP based flat architecture both in wireline and wireless networks, an automated management and charging system, a consolidated view of customer data, flexible service enablement, unified control of voice and multimedia calls, and new models for optimized business operations.“Our expertise and experience gained over several years as a leader in this changing industry mean we can genuinely engage with our customers to guide them towards the Network of One,” said Stephan Scholz. “The possibilities that the Network of One offers are so exciting, as is the role we can play in shaping the industry’s future.” Nokia Siemens Networks’ large customer base, its global leadership and presence - especially in R&D and the delivery of services to communication service providers - along with its innovation and research capabilities, underpin its understanding of the current and future needs of the telecoms market.Today only 25% of the world’s population, 1.7 billion people, have access to Internet services. The Internet is the primary host of applications and services and as the number of people and devices connected to it grow significantly, hundreds of Exabytes (1018)of content will be generated, resulting in almost a Zettabyte* (1021) of traffic flowing through telecom networks per year.

This development will present several opportunities for operators to offer new and innovative services and add greater value to their customers. However, it will also put a significant strain on the profitability of operators. As overall revenue growth flattens and becomes decoupled from traffic growth, operators will need to improve efficiency, look for new revenue sources and reconsider their role in the new ecosystem. At the same time they will be able to realize the business benefits of environmental sustainability for themselves and for other industries.

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