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Consumer Interest Growing for Over-the-Top Video and Web-Enabled TV Devices

24 февраля 2010

Nearly 37% of broadband households in North America are extremely or very interested in viewing Over-the-Top video content on the home TV, according to market research firm, In-Stat.

The demand is growing as companies such as Amazon,, Hulu, Netflix, and Apple, offer streamed or downloadable TV and movie content.

Figure 1. Consumer Interest in Viewing Full-Length Movies, Downloaded or Streamed, From the Internet on the Home TV

Similarly, a growing set of web-enabled TV devices are now proliferating across device categories that include digital TVs, Blu-ray Players, Digital Media Adapters (DMAs), network attached storage, and set top boxes.

"By 2013, In-Stat predicts that nearly 40% of all digital TV shipments will be web-enabled devices," says Norm Bogen, In-Stat analyst. “Across all categories, there will be over one-half billion web-enabled CE devices in operation worldwide by 2013. Shipments of such web-enabled devices will see a compound annual grow rate (CAGR) of nearly 64% between 2008 and 2013.”

Recent research by In-Stat found the following:

  • In 2009, there were five broadband households worldwide for every web-enabled CE device. By 2013, this ratio will be 2:1.
  • In-Stat’s consumer survey indicates that over half of US consumers with network-connected Blu-ray players/recorders use Wi-Fi, while 30% use Ethernet.


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