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Android Market Offers Most Free Apps

03 сентября 2010

Android Market now offers the highest percentage of paid apps when compared to its rivals, according to a report released today by app analytics company Distimo.

According to Distimo's report, which covers the month of August, Android Market had the largest share of free applications available at 60 percent, representing an increase of 3 percent since May 2010. The share of free applications is smallest on Windows Marketplace for Mobile (22 percent), followed by the Apple App Store for iPhone (23 percent) and BlackBerry App World (26 percent).

The Distimo notes that the large share of free applications in Google Android Market may be influenced by the fact that developers from only nine countries are currently able to distribute paid applications in Google Android Market, and by the fact that users from only 14 countries are able to download paid applications (out of the 46 countries where Google Android Market is currently available)

Distimo reports that the average price for an app on the iPhone is $4.31, whereas the average price of an Android app came in at $3.23. Apps for BlackBerry devices carried the highest price across all app stores covered in the report, with an average price of $6.68.


Источник: Wireless Week

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