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Nokia Siemens buys network management company

14 января 2008

Nokia Siemens Networks is to buy Apertio, which specialises in network management applications for telecommunications operators, for €140 million.

Apertio, in Bristol, England, sells a software application suite with components for managing mobile phone subscribers. Features allow operators to authenticate and deliver applications to users, shut off lost handsets and collect real-time data on subscribers.Nokia Siemens buys network management company

The management and consolidation of subscriber data is becoming more important, particularly as operators offer "converged" services, the term for offerings that combine mobile, fixed-line and Internet-based services, the companies said.

The deal is expected to close by May.
When complete, Paul MAGELLI, Apertio's CEO, will head a new section within the Converged Core business of Nokia Siemens.

Apertio's software and equipment is used by operators such as Orange, T-Mobile, O2 and Vodafone. Apertio, a private company, estimates its 2007 revenue at €28 million.

Источник: FierceWireless

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