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Motorola pushes IPTV set-tops, peripherals at IBC 2012

10 сентября 2012

Google may have put a sale sign on its Motorola Mobility cable equipment business unit—then again it may not have, it all depends on any given day's story. Whatever the case, the set-top box player is moving forward as if nothing is amiss at IBC 2012 in Amsterdam where it introduced a series of new IPTV set-top boxes and peripherals aimed at the EMEA market.

"Motorola pioneered the shift to IP in TV and we continue to drive its evolution with our new line of set-tops," Home Devices Vice President Keith Kelley said in the news release.

In addition to the set-tops, Moto announced enhancements to its "ultimate open operating system for IP set-tops" (KreaTV) including a hardware abstraction layer to more easily upgrade to new hardware in the future.

The new IPTV units include a pair that Moto called "diminutive (and) energy-efficient)" and "ideal for hospitality OTT, multi-room or entry-level deployments." These new units are designed to hide behind the TV or other home entertainment devices and can be controlled via an RF remote, the company said.

The new IPTV boxes also include those with expanded disk memory for DVR and optional display and touch keys and processing power designed to support gaming, advanced interactive applications and browser options, as well as space for a user installable disk/memory module to expand the DVR capacity, the news release said.  

Moto also said it had expanded its line of Microsoft Mediaroom set-tops to include ultra-low power units and to add wireless capability so the unit can be moved throughout a residence and supplied by the home's Wi-Fi system.

Closer to home—if home is the United States--Verizon said it would use Motorola Mobility as a DRM supplier to secure its FiOS Flex View multi-screen TV Everywhere play.

Источник: FierceIPTV

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