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Nokia launches Ovi sharing, mobile ad network

15 февраля 2008

Nokia announced its first Ovi service, Share on Ovi, a personal media sharing community that allows users to transfer content between the desktop, the mobile phone and other connected devices.

Share on Ovi is based upon open standards and supports more than 100 different file types. The service is currently available in beta and will launch in the second quarter.

During press conference at Mobile World Congress, Nokia executives said the Nokia Music service, which is currently available in the U.K., will launch in 10 more countries during the first half of 2008.
The company also is improving its mapping service with the unveiling of Maps 2.0., which offers enhanced pedestrian navigation with satellite imaging maps and turn-by-turn directions. Nokia Maps 2.0 is currently in beta and will be available commercially in the first half of 2008 on certain Series 40 devices.

During the press conference, Nokia executives were asked about the firm's recent Trolltech acquisition. Nokia CEO Olli Pekka-Kallasvuou said that the acquisition in important because it will help developers build applications independent of a handset's operating system. Although Trolltech does have a Linux platform, Nokia said that was not the driver behind the purchase.

Nokia also announced the launch of Nokia Media Network, a premium advertising network launched in partnership with over 70 publishers and operators including Sprint, AccuWeather, Reuters, Hearst and Discovery. The turnkey solution follows Nokia´s fall 2007 acquisition of mobile advertising firm Enpocket, and leverages the firm's analytics technology to optimize campaigns, improve conversions and measure campaign performance across the network. According to Nokia, the global ad network is already yielding click-through rates averaging 10 percent in certain channels.

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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