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Spain seeks to raise at least €1.45bn in main 4G auction

20 июня 2011

Spain's Industry Ministry Friday said it will auction mobile spectrum in coming days, with bids starting at EUR1.45 billion, in the largest such tender for telecom companies looking to launch high-speed, fourth-generation services.

Eleven companies will be allowed to take part in the auction, including existing top operators Telefonica SA, Vodafone PLC and France Telecom SA, as well as local cable firms and smaller players, the ministry said in a press release.

This will be the second 4G mobile spectrum auction, after France Telecom and Sweden's TeliaSonera AB won the first one last month, and committed to pay Spain's government EUR168 million.

Overall, Spain's government is looking to raise between EUR1.5 billion and EUR2 billion by selling off all available spectrum. The proceeds will be used to lower the government's financing needs at a time when borrowing costs have risen. Spain is seeking to cut its budget deficit to 6% of gross domestic product this year, from 9.2% last year.

The ministry said the auction will be conducted in several rounds, starting before June 30.

Источник: Total Telecom

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