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Telenor ordered to bid for India spectrum with Unitech

31 августа 2012

Telenor's bid for a fresh start in India has received a set-back after a local court ruled that it can only participate in the country's upcoming spectrum re-auction with its estranged local partner Unitech.

According to a Press Trust of India report earlier this week, Gurgaon District Court issued an injunction banning Telenor from "participating, negotiating, engaging in or financially being interested in the auction processes conducted by the government/government agencies for fresh allotment of licences/spectrum, other than through respondent no.1 (Unitech Wireless)".

The ruling is a fresh blow to the Norway-based operator, which has been seeking a way to extricate itself from its joint venture with Unitech. It holds the real estate group responsible for the cancellation of its licences due to its alleged involvement in the 2008 spectrum scandal.

In all, the Supreme Court ordered the cancellation of 122 licences in February, on grounds that the allocation process was steeped in corruption.

Unsurprisingly, Telenor plans to appeal the decision.

"Next hearing in Gurgaon District Court will be on September 4. We will continue to argue our case," said Telenor, in the report.

Earlier this week it emerged that India's regulator the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) plans to carry out the planned spectrum auction on 12 November. Prospective participants have until 19 October to submit their applications, and a final list of bidders will be decided by 6 November.

In the meantime the Supreme Court has given telcos with cancelled licences permission to continue operations until 18 January 2013.

Источник: Total Telecom

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