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WiMAX equipment market defies recession, jumps 12% in 2Q09

31 августа 2009

The second quarter showed signs that the WiMAX market has past through the bottom of the slowdown trough, and the outlook is cautiously optimistic for steadier growth returning to the market by the end of the year.

"The overall WiMAX market sequentially grew 12% to $255 million in the second quarter, driven by revenue increases in all regions, most notably in the U.S. and India," explains Richard Webb, directing analyst for WiMAX, microwave, and mobile devices at Infonetics Research.


  • Infonetics Research forecasts the worldwide WiMAX equipment and devices market to hit $4.9 billion in 2013, predominantly driven by developing countries
  • Over one-third of the world's WiMAX equipment and device revenue comes from EMEA (mostly Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa); one-third comes from Asia Pacific
  • In 2Q09, Alvarion held the overall WiMAX equipment revenue share lead, followed by Motorola, which posted a healthy jump in revenue
  • With more WiMAX devices reaching the market, including embedded WiMAX laptops and netbooks arriving in 2H09, WiMAX adoption continues to accelerate despite the recession
  • The number of WiMAX subscribers is expected to near 140 million worldwide in 2013

Источник: FierceWireless

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